man being checked for Cardiovascular Disease

Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease

One in every Four deaths in America is the result of heart disease.  Heart disease occurs when a build up of plaque makes it difficult for blood to flow, thus creating a risk for stroke or heart attack.  According to the CDC, the leading cause of death for Senior Citizens is heart disease.  More than…

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importance of a healthy weight for seniors

Importance of a Healthy Weight for Seniors

Show me a person who enjoys dieting, and I’ll show you someone who was born without a set of taste buds. Maintaining a healthy weight, especially in the modern era where virtually any food we crave is available at either a local restaurant or the mega-grocery store chains, is tough to do at any age,…

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parkland fl retirement communities

Tips for Transitioning to a Retirement Community

For many seniors moving into Aston Gardens At Parkland Commons, the initial transition can be fraught with personal challenges. Although it can be difficult to make adjustments that involve downsizing and leaving a lot of history behind, the change is one worth looking forward to. There are numerous carefree senior living programs and opportunities to…

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Healthy Lifestyle Habits for Seniors

In the age of digital technology and binge-watching, it is no surprise that most adults – especially seniors – don’t get the exercise they need. Instead of reaching for running shoes, most seniors are reaching for the TV remote. According to a study by MarketCharts, adults aged 50-64 watched an average of 42 hours of…

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seniors and sleep apnea

All About Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea has become a painful, dangerous problem in Americans today, and it is as prevalent in seniors as any other segment of the population. There are two types of sleep apnea: obstructive and central. Obstructive is the more frequent of the two and is caused by throat muscle and tissues relaxing during the sleep…

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