woman enjoying Facebook

Help for Seniors Joining Facebook

Facebook is the largest social networking site on the Internet. Research indicates that Older Adults age 74 and above are among the fastest growing group now embracing social networking sites, including Facebook.  This just goes to show that Seniors can learn Facebook and are participating regularly!  Recent studies even indicate that Facebook helps Seniors feel…

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independent senior living naples fl

Why We Chose Independent Living

Getting your elderly parents to consider moving to an independent living facility takes a lot of convincing especially when they appear to be fairly healthy.  But as we all know, their health can change on a dime.  Many of our residents have moved here because something happened that made them realize this is a much…

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9 Reasons the 1950s Were a Blast

There are a lot of “booms” associated with the 1950s. It was a significant decade for most of our residents at Aston Gardens retirement communities in Florida.  Many would say that the 1950s were an ideal reflection of what former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said in 1945, which was that America at that time…

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Benefits of Yoga for Seniors

When today’s Baby Boomers were kids, many of their parents considered exercise to be golfing, bowling or a day spent outdoors with the kids.  Actually, they probably didn’t think about exercise at all.  It wasn’t a thing. Sure, there were some people who enjoyed biking or swimming.  And the YMCA has been around encouraging physical…

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woman enjoying healthy practices for seniors

7 Healthy Practices for Seniors to Adopt

With so many advances in medicine and people adopting a healthier lifestyle, the senior population is growing by leaps and bounds. According to the Administration on Aging, persons 65+ represent 12.9 percent (approximately 39.6 million) of the population (2009 Data) with estimates that by 2030, that number is expected to top 72 million people or…

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