Combating Depression In Seniors

Combatting Depression In Seniors

Depression is an epidemic. It is funny how in a world where there is an increasingly large number of ways to contact people, we are becoming more dissonant and disconnected from each other. Research shows that depression is more common in women than men, but it affects both populations significantly.  However, there are ways to…

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Types Of Food That Can Speed Up Post-Surgery Recovery

Types Of Food That Can Speed Up Post-Surgery Recovery

There are 5 foods that will give your body the energy and nutrition it needs to stave off infections, speed up healing, increase strength and energy, and maintain your stores of nutrients. These foods are also much more enjoyable when shared with loved ones and they help you stay engaged and happy during recovery. Below,…

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Socializing For Seniors

Lifelong Benefits of Socializing for Seniors

When people think of the idea of growing old, it seems that they commonly associate it with the themes of loneliness and solitude with minimal socialization. While this may be true for many individuals, this does not necessarily have to be the case for you or your loved ones! We at Aston Gardens at Sun…

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Foods That Can Help You Fight Dementia & Alzheimer's

Foods That Can Help You Fight Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can be highly debilitating conditions that can leave one at a loss for what to do. One very effective way of fighting against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is the improvement and regulation of one’s diet. This can be achieved by consuming a variety of healthy foods that build up your system…

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Essential Tips For Ageing Gracefully

Essential Tips For Aging Gracefully

We all grow old eventually. One of the most important things is to make sure that we know how to age gracefully when it happens. There are steps we can take to enhance the lives of aging adults by helping them stay active and healthy for a longer time. We can change the attitudes that…

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