It’s hard to watch a loved one grow older, especially when they lose their independence and need extra help. The greatest gift you can give a loved one when this happens is the ability to stay home and live independently. However, there are times when even the best caregiving strategies aren’t enough, and it’s time to consider a move into a retirement community in Pinellas County, FL. Here are some signs that indicate your loved one needs 24/7 care:
Your Loved One Is Growing More Forgetful
You know that your loved one is growing more forgetful. You see it in the way they don’t remember things that are important to them, like their hobbies and interests, or even their own identity. They might need to remember where they are, what day it is, or where the keys are when you need them the most.
They will also need help with simple tasks like eating and drinking. So, if your loved one has forgotten to take care of themselves recently—and it’s not just because they’re lazy—you may want to talk with their doctor about the next steps.
Your Loved One Is Not Observing The Doctor’s Advice
It’s important that you pay attention to your loved one’s health, and it may be time for a change if they aren’t following their doctor’s orders. If your loved one needs to pay attention to the advice of their physician, then they may not be getting the care they need.
Medical issues can often affect seniors’ ability to make decisions on their behalf. You might find that your loved one has stopped taking medication as prescribed or isn’t eating right, which can have severe consequences in terms of health and longevity. You must monitor what goes into their body to help prevent any potential complications down the road.
Your Loved One Suffers From Frequent Falls
If your loved one suffers from frequent falls, it’s time to consider a nursing team in a retirement community. Falls are often the result of weakness in the body and can lead to severe injuries, so it’s essential to keep an eye out for them. You can do this by helping your loved one get regular exercise. By taking daily walks or doing some simple exercises with them, you can prevent falls before they happen!
Your Loved One Is Not Able To Properly Take Medication
Some medications must be taken at specific times, some with food and others on an empty stomach. Different medications can be taken with water or juice, so your loved one must understand this information. If they cannot properly follow their doctor’s orders when taking their medication, then a healthcare professional should step in and help them understand what needs to happen.
You Notice That Your Loved Ones Need Assistance With Basic Daily Needs
If you notice that your loved one is having trouble getting around on their own, this can indicate something more serious. Your loved one may have trouble walking or need help with basic tasks like bathing themselves. If this is the case, it may be time to consider moving them into a retirement community where they can receive 24/7 nursing care.
By keeping these signs in mind, you can help your loved one get the care they need. While it may be hard to see them struggle with daily tasks, remember that we all age differently, and people have different needs at different times. Know that if your loved one is struggling with a routine or having trouble taking care of themselves, there are options like 24/7 nursing teams that can provide relief while helping them maintain their independence.