One of the first signs of the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia is short-term memory loss. Your loved one might forget basic things like where they placed their keys or parked their car. Some older adults may miss their doctor’s appointment if they have not been reminded of it. Here are several symptoms of memory loss that you should watch out for in older adults.
Signs of Memory Loss in the Elderly
Knowing the early signs of memory loss, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia is important for children and caregivers. By reviewing this early signs of dementia checklist, you can better understand the mental state of your older loved ones.
Forgetting Things That They Just Learnt
Everyone forgets things every now and then, but if an older adult is constantly forgetting things that they have just learned, it could be an early sign of dementia. They may forget things like dates, appointments, and even names.
Difficulty Working with Numbers
It’s normal to make mistakes when working with numbers, such as when balancing a checkbook. However, when an older adult regularly misunderstands units of measure that used to be familiar, it can be a symptom of memory loss. They may not be able to decipher simple things like recipes that involve numbers.
Inability to Complete Daily Tasks
Another early sign of Alzheimer’s is the inability to complete daily living tasks that are familiar to us. Older adults may find it overwhelming to do their own laundry every day or get to town to run errands. They may also forget where their friends and family live.
Being Repetitive
Memory loss also affects behavior. Older adults experiencing early signs of Alzheimer’s can repeat their words or ask the same questions over and over again. They may also repeat the same tasks several times or obsessively collect or hoard things.
Problems with Words
Another sign of memory loss is facing a constant struggle with using or finding the right word to join a sentence. Older adults may pause halfway through a conversation, trying to put together a sentence properly.
Inability to Find Things
Those with memory loss face difficulty with putting things back where they belong. Whenever this happens, they will try to back-track to find those items, and most often than not, they will fail. This in turn causes them to accuse others of stealing their things.
Lapses in Judgment
Everyone makes a bad decision occasionally and it is just typical human error. However, older adults with Alzheimer’s experience lapses in judgment. They may face difficulty with personal hygiene and money management which can affect how they lead their life.
Withdrawal from Social Activities
Disconnection from social activities and interactions is one early sign of Alzheimer’s. Older adults with this symptom may be reluctant to participate in activities that they had once enjoyed in the past.
Personality Changes
We can have a bad day time and again but people with memory loss experience this more regularly. They will experience mood and personality changes which can be pretty apparent. They may get easily upset or experience bouts of depression, confusion, anxiety, and fear.