senior enjoying gardening

Gardening Tips and Benefits for Seniors In Naples, FL – Aston Gardens Senior Living

Gardening is a labor of love that can produce wonderful fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers. There are also many health benefits of gardening for seniors, like residents at Aston Gardens retirement communities in Florida. For those who love to nurture plants, the unexpected benefits are pure bonus. It doesn’t matter whether you have a vegetable…

examples of healing herbs

The Secret Benefits of Healing Herbs 

Herbs are nature’s drugs and should be taken as carefully as pharmaceutical drugs. Advocates of natural healing methods believe that herbal medicine offers important benefits over prescription drugs. Many of our residents at Aston Gardens retirement communities in Florida have discovered the benefits of medicinal herbs. It’s important to note, however, that at least half…

woman enjoying getting older

Hidden Virtues of Getting Older

Short term memory may show signs of decline, but older brains are sharper. Research found, for example, that older traffic controllers excel at cognitively difficult jobs, such as simultaneously juggling the positions of multiple aircraft, navigating, and avoiding collisions. Aston Gardens retirement community in Florida is a great place to discover these and other wonderful…
