Our muscles lose mass as we age, which could cause us to be less mobile and may increase the risk of falls. We must maintain our muscle mass so that we can continue to do the things we love to do and keep our independence as we age. It can also help manage chronic pains, lower the risk of osteoporosis, improve cardiovascular health and help with posture. However, losing muscle mass does not mean it’s completely gone, there are ways to recover the muscles and strengthen ourselves.
Resistance Training
Resistance training is highly important in gaining muscle mass. It’s a series of exercises that uses resistance to build muscle. Resistance training is usually done with equipment, weights, or elastic bands but there are also exercises that do not require any of this that work just as well. It is recommended to do these exercises at least twice a week for 30 minutes each session. Here at Aston Gardens At Tampa Bay, we offer in-house training and exercise programs that are handled by experienced team members.
Aerobic and Cardio Workouts
Although resistance training still stands as the best and quickest way to build muscle, we should not ignore aerobic and cardio workouts too. This sort of training works hand in hand with resistance training to combat muscle loss and to help repair muscles. Cycling, jogging, and hiking are great forms of aerobic exercises that can also help build muscle. Walking is another favorite form of exercise that almost everyone can take part in. Brisk walking has been shown to increase muscle mass as well, as it increases blood flow and mobility. Aerobic exercises are also a great workout for those with insulin problems.
Reassess the Diet
It comes as no surprise that what we eat greatly impacts our muscles. Muscles need protein to build. We should be eating a balanced portion of proteins and good carbohydrates to help build and protect our muscles. Chicken, red meats, eggs, turkey, and yogurt are great sources of protein and can replenish the body after a workout. Increasing omega-3 levels is also important. Fish like salmon, cod, and mackerel are a great source. Walnuts and flaxseeds also have high levels of omega 3. Our chefs here at Aston Gardens At Tampa Bay provide delicious food that is also nutritious.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is important in the building of muscles. A lot of people may not realize that they have a deficiency in this vitamin, which means that they are more likely to lose muscle faster and are at more risk of injuries and falls. However, this is easily fixed by incorporating supplements into the diet. Doctors can test for vitamin D levels and then instruct how much of the vitamin to take.
There is no way to completely avoid losing muscle and it’s just another factor of aging. However, we can slow down and even reverse the process by exercising and eating well. Maintaining our muscles is so important in making sure our quality of life does not decrease and upholding independence as we age.