With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be difficult for your loved ones to continue with their regular activities routine. With regulations limiting access to different places, such as gyms and so on, the kind of activities your loved ones can enjoy may be limited. This is even harder if your loved ones have an active lifestyle. At Aston Gardens At Tampa Bay, we offer a variety of activities, including arts and crafts. These are some reasons why they should engage in arts and crafts.
Preventing Cognitive Issues
One of the benefits of arts and crafts for your loved ones is that it is highly therapeutic and engages the creative mind of your loved ones. As arts and crafts can stimulate their right brain, it can help to delay the onset of some cognitive conditions, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and so on. Often, these cognitive conditions set in when people at old age do not engage in an active lifestyle that stimulates their minds. By engaging their creative mind, they can slow the onset of memory-related issues. Arts and crafts also promote better cognitive function as the brain undergoes restructuring and reshaping, promoting better mental health.
Good for Homebound People
For homebound people who may have difficulty moving around and require assisted living, arts and crafts are helpful. One of the benefits of engaging in arts and crafts for your loved ones is the versatility of activities available without much movement. This is especially helpful for them if they are wheel-chair bound and is unable to engage in the usual exercises. Some arts and crafts activities like pottery and painting allow one to engage their body as well while stimulating the creative mind. This provides them with a holistic way of staying active without compromising on safety.
For your loved ones who may have challenges with dexterity, arts and crafts provide much satisfaction. They may find it hard to find value and worth in themselves due to their immobility but arts and crafts are able to boost their self-esteem and help them find purpose in their craft. As they enjoy crafting a beautiful product for a family member or friend, they can be proud of their work knowing that they have created a masterpiece.
Bonding With Others
Arts and crafts can provide bonding opportunities for your loved ones. As they engage in arts and crafts through a group session, it allows them to encourage and affirm each other’s work. This is very important for healthy social interaction and prevents isolation for your loved ones. Increased social interaction through arts and crafts is known to help improve emotional and mental health, which also prevents the onset of cognitive conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and so on. An encouraging community built through arts and crafts is a conducive place for your loved ones to thrive in.
Why Choose Us?
At Aston Gardens At Tampa Bay, we have a full-time, committed activities director who plans a variety of activities of arts and crafts for your loved ones to bring out their artistic side. Contact us to find out more!