Yoga is one of the few exercises that seem to be age-friendly, where anyone from any age group can try and excel. However, will people who are more mature in age be able to get the most out of the benefits of yoga? The answer is yes! With chair yoga, they might even do better and get more out of the exercise compared to those younger than them. As both sides of the brain tend to be used more equally as we age, we are better able to be spatially aware and connect the mind and body more seamlessly.
Despite the non-conventional usage of tools, chair yoga is perfect for beginners and those with issue balancing. Here are some easy poses used in chair yoga for mature adults. Be sure to have your butt firmly planted on a sturdy chair that is comfortable for you. Sit forward just enough to be stable and you are all ready to go!
Seated Mountain
This move focuses on your core and breathing while checking your posture. Keep your feet flat on the floor with your legs at a right angle, keeping your knees shoulder-length apart. Start by taking a deep breath and extend your spine while sitting. While exhaling, focus your weight on the lowest part of your tailbone and pull your shoulders back down your neck while feeling your body slowly curl into itself. Relax your hands at your sides and flex your toes, focusing the weight on the balls and heels of your feet.
Warrior I
Breathe deeply in the Seated Mountain pose and stretch your arms to either side of your body and start raising them until they meet, lacing your fingers together. Leave your index finger and thumb out and point to the ceiling. Roll your shoulders away from your ears and feel the movement at your shoulder blades. Breathe deeply five times before relaxing from the position.
Seated Forward Bend
This position helps with digestion while lengthening your spine. In Seated Mountain, fold your upper body over your legs and inhale, focusing on lengthening your spine. You can either have your hands on your lap on at your sides. Breathe deeply five times before slowly going back to the starting position.
Reverse Arm Hold
This pose helps to open your shoulders and chest, which helps with stress, posture, and breathing. Stretch your arms to your sides with your palms down while inhaling. Upon exhaling, bring your shoulders forward and bring your arms behind you with your elbows bent. Clasp your hands together and pull them away from each other without letting go. Remember which hand is on top and take five deep breaths before switching to the other hand.
Single-Leg Stretch
Sit up straight with one leg stretched in front and fold yourself over while breathing deeply. Continue to stretch in this position while breathing deeply (exhaling when bending and inhaling when rising) and inhale when releasing from this pose and moving to the other leg.